使用者 (包括用戶及主播) 在平台上發表的內容:
The content posted by both viewers and live streamers on the platform:
Shall comply with the laws and regulations of located region and the standards of good social customs.
Shall be without harassment, damage, infringement of the reputation and rights of others, fabricating or spreading rumours, or disclosing personal information of others, etc.
Shall not affect the normal operation of the platform or other users with any form of speech, text, or expression.
Must not include verbal attacks, pornography, nudity, sexual innuendo, indecent behaviour, vulgar speech, drug-using, gambling, or demonstrating the above-prohibited items by using photographs or videos.
Shall not publish content which involves inciting others to commit crimes, violating laws, violating public policy and morals, or any speech, behaviour, act, or expression that may cause serious negative consequences.
Shall not include any other misconduct that violates the user guidelines.
Prevent illegal content
17LIVE is committed to promoting a green live-streaming environment. In 2015, the Skyeye technical team was established. Our review team has been conducting 24-hour quality control to ensure the content is appropriate for all families to enjoy. Our goal is to provide users with an interactive, real-time, entertaining and healthy platform!
Ensuring no violation of the 17LIVE user agreement and social laws.
Providing users with live streaming entertainment of the highest quality.
In the event of a violation of platform policy, the account will be permanently blocked from access and profit-sharing.
請參考17LIVE App使用規則
Please refer to 17LIVE App Usage Rules for more information
若使用者違反情形經查證屬實,我們將不經通知直接移除、刪除、取消、編輯、改變、修改或封鎖您的17帳號,以及您發表的全部或部分內容。對於違規內容有任何疑問可以聯繫17LIVE客服信箱 [點擊這裡] 。
If the violation is verified, we will directly remove, delete, cancel, edit, change, modify or block your 17LIVE account and all or part of the content published by you without notification. If you have any questions about the illegal content, please contact 17LIVE Customer Service [Click HERE] .
建議直接向17LIVE客服信箱 [點擊這裡] 提出檢舉,以獲得快速處理。
It is recommended to file a report directly to 17LIVE customer service [Click HERE] for immediate response.
任何申訴情形,歡迎聯繫17LIVE客服信箱 [點擊這裡] 。
Please contact 17LIVE Customer Service [Click HERE] for any appeal.